Drop-In Class
Please click the link below to check dates and register for our currently posted classes. If you don't see it now, check back - we post regularly.
Drop in for this casual cold copy class with 10-12 other actors and improvisers. We provide the copy every week, and pair you with another student for an audition-like experience. The purpose of this class is to provide a fun and casual practice space for actors to both build a community and stay sharp in their audition technique - all in an affordable, actor-friendly way!
Dates: Click below to find out!
Time: 11-12:30 EST
Price: $25
Please click the link below to check dates and register for our currently posted classes. If you don't see it now, check back - we post regularly.
Brush up on your self tape skills with Phil and Stacy in this two-day workshop built to help you confidently audition from home. Or your Air BnB. Or the supply closet at work. We know you're just trying to make it work.
Self Tapes are here to stay. Here's how to stick the landing every time, without taking 12 hours to pick between 1,200 different takes.
Walk away from class with Stacy and Phil's personal self-tape checklist, a recording of your work in class, and increased confidence in your self tapes.
Dates/Time: Click below to find out!
Price: $125
Please click the link below to check dates and register for our currently posted classes. If you don't see it now, check back - we post regularly.
Imagine putting a month's worth of "Drop-In" in one night, then adding a guest casting director. That's exactly what you can expect from this class!
A space for folks who can't come on a weekly basis, are hoping to get in more reps, OR who are hoping to meet more CDs, students in Drop-In Plus+ get multiple passes at multiple scripts before putting their best work up for a guest CD.
Dates: Click below to see what's posted!
Price: $95

Commercial Improv Workshop
Please click the link below to check dates and register for our currently posted classes. If you don't see it now, check back - we post regularly.
Work with commercial agent Phil Cassese (Stewart Talent) and commercial casting director Stacy Gallo (Stacy Gallo Casting) in their acclaimed commercial improv class developed over 10 years at UCB.
Hone your on-camera commercial improv technique over the course of three classes with Phil and Stacy, including work on cold copy, performing prepared scripts, Q&As with past students, and insight on numerous success stories from this very curriculum.
This class is all about having fun, getting empowered with information about the business, and upping your improv game in commercial casting settings. Come see what all the buzz is about!
Date: Click below to see what's posted
Price: $225
Actors Connection Class

On Camera Commercial Improv
This 3-week class is recommended for actors who feel comfortable reading commercial copy, are freelancing, getting sent out, or should be sent out for commercials. Most commercials these days require that an actor can improvise within that commercial, and we will work on taking a script and learning how to make it your own.
Week One: You will learn how to quickly interpret commercial scripts and bring out the best delivery you can. You will also be taught skills on how to feel and look comfortable in front of the camera and how to use improvisation to help enhance your performance. *Commercial copy will be provided before the first class*
Week Two: You will have scripts from the previous class to prepare for the following week's Showcase.
Week Three: Present your work, with Stacy in the room, as well as a rotating roster of two popular NY Commercial Agents.